
The living arts are fragile and delicate, but when nurtured by those who care, such as Roots aan de Zaan’s organization, and enabled by those who have the means such as local businesses, flourish wonderfully well just as a garden will, given the experienced attention of a gardener with a wise landlord. And the living arts are what our broader society needs more now than ever before, to at least put a brake on the speedy descent into a world of ‘celebrity’ culture, where the yardstick of achievement is measured in phone-in votes from solitary loners whose idea of communication is 140 characters on a smart phone, and whose measure of talent is spoon-fed to them by cynical moneymen who massage reality into the equivalent of fast food
— Simon Nicol (Fairport Convention)

Quality music is guaranteed at Roots aan de Zaan. Hand picked artists by promoters who care about their audience and are passionate about bringing the best established award winning musicians to their venues alongside emerging acts who everyone should know about. Real music run by real people
– Martin Fitzgibbon (The Jigantics)

programmeur: Koen Hottentot

presentatie: Edvard de Groot

geluidstechniek (doorgaans): Erik de Jong

belichting (doorgaans): Piet Jetses

website-ontwerp: Boekdelen

logo-ontwerp: Jelle Venema

fotomateriaal: op deze website staan foto’s vanaf het prille begin van Roots aan de Zaan. Deze foto’s zijn lang niet allemaal door onszelf gemaakt en het is (tenzij de credits op de foto staan) in veel gevallen niet of nauwelijks meer na te gaan wie welke foto maakte. We hebben destijds toestemming gekregen de foto’s te gebruiken. Echter: wilt u als fotograaf naamvermelding, stuur dan even een berichtje.

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